Donald Trump Wants You to Know He's Smart
4:37 now are you going to come by and see what I'm working on? no, no, no. the Less I know, the better. 俺の研究室に来て最新のプロジェクトを見てみるかい?いや、いや、知らないに越したことは無いよ。
Iron Man - Raptor Jet Scene
3:43 the further you go from San Juan, the worse it gets. プエルトリコを襲ったハリケーンの被害はサンフアンの市街地を離れるほど、ひどくなる。
San Juan mayor: Trump can attack me as long as it gets out the message that Puerto Ricans are hungry
1:01 the more I learned, the more I realized how like us they were. チンパンジーの生態を知れば知るほど、いかに彼らが人間に似ているかがよくわかった。
Official Film Trailer: JANE | National Geographic
6;09 I've been flying to India for two years now. it's a feeling I cannot describe. the more I discover, the more I fall in love.
British Airways: Fuelled by Love
1:13 and the more I go inside, the more there is to see. 3:16 the more I learn, the less I know.
The Beatles- 12- It's All Too Much (2009 Mono Remaster)
a-5594 the harder they try, the more resistance they meet
a-6567 the more you hear, the worse it sounds
a-7422 the more bows, the better
a-7745 the deeper you go, the more interesting it gets
a-8658 the more immunity in the community, the better we can erradicate the threat of the virus
a-9220 the quicker the republicans can encourage him to find the door, the better for them and the better for the country.
b-0096 the sooner, the better
b-1241 the more the merrier
b-4793 the more the merrier
b-4876 the further the south you go, the higher the deprivation, the higher the unemployment
b-5834 the larger the ship is, the more easily it moves through the water
b-6353 the more you do it, the better you get at it